Photo Gallery
Case 1

KP presented in our office with veneers that were placed many years ago. Over the years, her gums had receded, and the previous veneers were discoloring all around the margins. We removed all the previous veneers, and replaced them with new veneers. The new veneers were slightly shorter, and the color modified to match her newly bleached teeth.

Case 2

As you can see, this patient was a severe grinder. She presented in our office with fractured and worn teeth, and her chief complaint was she wanted to fix the ‘jagged edges’. We ended up placing crowns on all her lower posterior molars, and upper anterior teeth, and then adding composites to the lower anteriors to complete her smile reconstruction.

Case 3

JD is a patient, who presented with very worn occlusion. Ideally, she needed to open up her bite, as her teeth had been ground short over the years, but due to finances, only wanted to correct the esthetics of her smile. We did veneers and crowns on her upper front 6 teeth, lightened her teeth, added some length to correct for her shortened teeth, and removed the metal margins that were showing from her previous crown restorations.

Case 4

This 70 yo pt wanted to completely makeover her smile. She didn’t like all the exposed crown margins, and disliked the yellowing color of her teeth. We started her treatment by whitening her teeth, and then placing crowns and veneers on all her teeth. The upper arch was completed first, followed shortly by the lower arch.

Case 5

GM’s chief complaint was lack of posterior teeth to chew with. The length of his teeth were shortened due to the excessive wear and forces on his anterior teeth. We lengthened both his upper and lower teeth back to their original height, and altered the shape and color. The upper teeth were crowned or veneered, and the lower teeth had composites placed. He is now in the process of having posterior implants placed so we can replace his missing teeth with implant supported dentistry.

Case 6

HU is a an author and speaker, who lectures around the world. He previously had veneers on his upper front teeth that were done 15+ years ago, but the margins around the edges were starting to discolor, and the gold crowns covering his posterior teeth showed when he smiled. He wanted to change out the gold, and put in new veneers. We placed new restorations on all his upper teeth. Most of the posterior teeth were crowned, and the anterior teeth were newly veneered.

Case 7

JJ has been a patient in our office for years. Over the years, her teeth (especially the anteriors) had been severely worn down and minimally showed when she smiled. She was given try in acrylic teeth, which are temporary teeth to wear over a week, to see if doing veneers was something she was interested in. After wearing them for a few days, and enjoying her new, albeit temporary, smile, she decided to proceed with treatment. After doing her anteriors and premolars, and restoring her front teeth to their original length, she was able to display a fully restored happy and youthful smile.

Case 8

PM presented in our office with fractured front teeth after tripping on the sidewalk, and hitting her teeth on the cement. Her two front teeth were chipped and fractured. We removed the fracture lines, and placed two veneers to cover, protect, and restore her teeth back to their original shape.

Case 9

RD presented in our office with a broken front tooth after hitting her tooth on a granite countertop. Upon closer examination, a few of her other front had crack lines in them due to the impact of the fall. RD opted to whiten all her teeth prior to the start of treatment. The tooth that was fractured was not restorable, and had to be extracted. An implant was placed, her gums were recontoured, a new crown was placed over the implant and the front 6 teeth were veneered after the removal of all fracture/craze lines.

Case 10

SD presented in our office with crowded and worn down front teeth. This was an interdisciplinary case involving orthodonticts and veneers. SD started with invisalign for a year to align and correct his bite. His anterior front teeth were hitting end on end, and orthodontics positioned his teeth to provide a little overlap which allowed for the placement of veneers. After orthodontics were complete, the patient whitened his teeth and we placed 6 veneers that were elongated back to his original tooth height.

Case 11

SI presented with worn occlusion. Her teeth had been worn flat over the years, and when she smiled, not much of her tooth structure showed. We placed her in temporary teeth for about 1 month, where we opened her bite and restored her teeth close to their original height. After she was used to the bite, she bleached her teeth, then we placed permanent crowns and veneers on all her upper teeth.